Cristian Parras
Cristian Parras
About Cristian Parras

Cristian arrived in the entertainment world in 2010 and he soon realized that this was what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. Since then he has collaborated on several projects (animation, short films and feature films).

In 2014, he made his first short film called “The Passenger”, where he discovered his passion for making films.

After moving to England in 2015, his third short film “From the other side (2016) ” was selected at Barcelona Planet Film Festival, winning the award “Best Horror Short film” in iHolly film Festival in Los Angeles (U.S).

Subsequently, he decided to make his first feature film “Under the Crystal Dome (2019)”, where he experimented and explored several creative fields. It has been submitted to several Film Festivals and selected at The “Monkey Bread Tree Film Awards” and “CKF International Film Festival”. It is also Finalist at Gold Movie Awards® (Best Feature No Budget of April 2019) in London and Finalist at TMFF The Monthly Film Festival in Glasgow.

IMDb Profile
IMDb Profile